If it isn’t scalable, why would you consider it?
— Robin Huisma, Chief Storyteller Orange BOB

About Orange BOB

What does the name Orange BOB stand for?

At Orange BOB, the name reflects our essence and mission: 'Orange' symbolizes the vibrant spirit of the Netherlands, while 'BOB' articulates our commitment to Boost Offline Business. This mission is central to our operation, as we empower offline retail by harnessing the power of mobile apps. We approach each project from the user's perspective, recognizing that user acceptance is paramount. Without it, success remains elusive. In our view, technology serves as a facilitator, not the focal point—the user always takes centre stage.

Our commitment at Orange BOB goes beyond mere development; we aim to pioneer advanced mobile app concepts that resonate with users and meet market needs. Our guiding principle is clear and uncompromising: scalability is the benchmark for pursuit. This philosophy ensures our resources are invested in projects with the potential for real impact and growth. Our efforts are dedicated to creating experiences that surprise and reward and forge a genuine connection between users and brands.

The drive behind Orange BOB is fuelled by our enthusiasm for collaborating with entrepreneurs who dream big and aim high. In the dynamic realms these visionaries inhabit, we encounter our most stimulating and rewarding projects. Our strategy for collaboration is one of selectivity and precision—we seek partnerships only when convinced of mutual synergy and the clear added value we can bring to the table.

Choosing Orange BOB as your partner guarantees an ally fully invested in realizing your business objectives. We leverage exceptional mobile applications, infused with the latest innovative technologies, to deliver unparalleled user experiences. Our commitment is to not just meet expectations, but to exceed them, setting a new standard for what is possible in the mobile app domain.

If your ideas don’t lead to a profitable business case, avoid pursuing them. Software development is not a matter of chance.

We specialize in super smart growth.

Orange BOB focuses on creating engagement, activating brands, and enhancing customer loyalty by using the latest smart technologies and best practices we’ve learned, a lot…

Why do we enter into a partnership with you?

  • It's not arbitrary. We collaborate when there's a mutual fit, if your company generates a minimum turnover of €5M, and if you are the final decision maker.

Why do customers choose us?

  • Because we deliver measurable results. We do what we promise and uphold a high work ethic. We inspire people on an individual basis, activate your customers, and ensure they start talking about your brand. Furthermore, we drive purchases, leading to growth – quantifiable in significant figures.

Why do employees select us?

  • Working with us requires a high level of personal responsibility. This is not for everyone. You get complete freedom, but with the condition that the customer always comes first. Because our employees strongly believe in this approach, they experience a common purpose: to make your business even more successful.

How do we achieve this?

  • Our methods may seem simple at first glance, which is what complicates them. We have the necessary experience to grow your business. We develop a strategic plan and are constantly engaged in innovation. Our goal is to become a little better every day.

We are experienced, ready to help you, and if we may say so ourselves, we are good at it.

The aim of a business is to create a customer who creates customers.
— Shiv Singh

How can I leverage smartphones to offer my customers real-time, personalized experiences?

  • Do I ask and listen to what our customers want, need, or expect from us?

  • Does our current app collect data to learn from users?

  • Are our mobile interactions with our customers individualized and personalized?

  • Can we use the collected data for other marketing campaigns?

  • How do we know when we are on the right track with our mobile growth objectives?

  • Can we link all our data to a single unified customer profile?

  • Does our current (mobile) marketing software partner link data to each business system?

  • How can data from all my data sources be used to trigger real-time mobile messages?